Any social gathering – whether it is supposed to be festive or not – can put people in uncomfortable positions and cause tempers to flair. Whether it’s a heated political debate with your brother or an offhanded comment from your cousin about your “life choices,” a family gathering can quickly turn into a full-on brawl if you lose your temper.
If you feel like you’re one more word away from hurling your beer at someone’s head during a social event, you’re probably not alone – but you need to stay calm if you want to avoid turning the occasion into a crime scene. Before you let your fists do your talking, try these tips:
Go into every event with realistic expectations
Don’t go into the family gathering hoping for a picture-perfect evening when it has never happened before. If you know, for example, that your uncle is going to say something predictably offensive, mentally prepare yourself for it and promise yourself that you’ll focus on something else.
Take a deep breath before you react
It’s hard not to respond in your own defense when you feel attacked – but take a few seconds to breathe deeply and think. That pause may be just enough to stop your anger from taking over. Not every comment deserves a response, so let some slide – or let your silence speak for you. That may be enough to make your point.
Have a plan and know when to walk away
If you know that you absolutely cannot handle certain topics or events without losing your cool, have a strategy in mind for how you’ll handle them. This can be anything from changing the subject to politely picking up your coat and leaving.
Assault and battery charges are nothing to be taken lightly. In Texas, if a dispute turns into a violent physical encounter, you could be charged with either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending upon the circumstances. If you’re convicted, that could mean anywhere from a fine to a lengthy prison sentence. If you’re charged with a violent crime after a dinner or party goes sour, invoke your right to remain silent until you can obtain solid legal guidance.