Don’t Take Chances With Drunk Driving Charges
Drunk driving charges are not something that you can ignore. Anyone arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) in Texas, faces stiff penalties that can impact their personal and professional lives. That is why you need an aggressive legal team to defend you.
At Dornburg Law, we are aggressive attorneys who take on the fight against DWI charges facing our clients from across Victoria. The stakes are high in drunk driving cases, and you do not need to face it alone.
How To Take On A Drunk Driving Charge
The prosecution often has a lot of power and evidence when it pursues any charge. However, that authority is not without limits. Your rights protect you. To convict you, they must prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
That means they must present a perfect case. However, in real life, evidence is hardly ever perfect. We look at every aspect of the charge against you, including:
- The breath tests
- The original stop
- Your statements
- The testing equipment
- The time of day
If there is any inconsistency anywhere in the evidence against you, we attack it. Your rights demand nothing less than our total dedication to dismantling the case against you.
Let Us Speak For You
The first and most important thing you must do with any criminal charge, especially in a drunk driving situation, is to exercise your right to remain silent. The police have immense leeway to use your words against you. They will take statements out of context. They will lie to you about the situation.
However, with us as your lawyers, your words and rights will have all the protection they deserve. We will act as your voice and answer the questions asked. You can rest assured that your word will not be held against you.
Call our firm at 361-570-4444 or send us an email. We make a point of getting back to our clients as soon as possible, often on the same day. Whether it is your first offense or if you have multiple DWI offenses, including felony charges, we can help.